Current affairs column


By Georgia Menelaou

World Cancer Day was established on the initiative of the International Cancer Society and is celebrated every year on February 4. It aims to deepen the finding that a large proportion of cancer cases are treatable through prevention, as well as that a large proportion of cancer deaths are preventable through early diagnosis and treatment. At the same time, it is a unique initiative based on which the whole world can join forces to fight the global cancer epidemic. 

Cancer is a general term used to describe a group of chronic diseases that affect any part of the body. Alternatively, we call it a malignant tumor and a neoplasm. Its defining characteristic is the rapid growth and spread of abnormal cells. If the spread of cancer cells is not controlled, it can lead to death. In our country almost a quarter of deaths are due to cancer. Each year approximately 67,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed and 32,000 deaths from the disease are recorded. Even today, cancer is the second leading cause of death in Greece after cardiovascular diseases.

According to the European Code against Cancer, many deaths could be avoided by adopting a healthier lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol use, unhealthy diet, as well as chronic infections with hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and some types of human papillomavirus (HPV) are major factors in increasing the risk of cancer in developing countries. Some indicative prevention actions are the following: 

  • Stop smoking 
  • Avoiding obesity 
  • Exercise 
  • Healthy diet 
  • Limiting alcohol consumption 
  • Avoiding exposure to the sun 
  • Vaccination against viruses that cause cancer (cervical cancer, liver cancer).
  •  Avoidance of environmental carcinogens


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